
  • Amount $
  • Amount $


Africa | 20 projects | $13,850
Caribbean | 4 | $1,150
Central America/Mexico | 2 | $1,400
Eastern Europe/Central Asia | 12 | $6,750
North Africa/Middle East | 6 | $1,750
Pacific Islands | 4 | $3,000
South America | 3 | $1,450

By Date


11/1/2009 |Dominican Republic | Coffee Cooperative Building Project | $250

11/1/2009 | Senegal | Community Garden Project  | $250

4/12/2010 | Dominican Republic | Community Latrines | $300

9/13/2010 | Peru | Healthy Schools | $200 

1/4/2011 | Ukraine | School Textbook Project | $150

7/6/11 | Gambia | Camp GAGA-Girls About Global Awareness | $300

9/13/11 Morocco | Goats for Gals | $100

1/10/12 Morocco | Eyewear for Moroccan Youth | $200

4/3/12 | Dominican Republic | Improved Cookstove Project | $100

4/3/12 | Moldova | School Resource Library | $100

11/13/12 | Burkina Faso | Chalkboards to Implement New Teaching Technique| $300

1/5/13 Burkina Faso | Camp2Glow | $300

6/10/13 | Jordan |Camp Bro | $200

10/1/13 | Nicaragua | Community English Center | $400

5/7/14 | Georgia | Expanded Meeting Room Capacity for Youth and Probationer Programs | $500

9/3/14 | Mozambique | Building an Agriculture Lab and Installing an Irrigation System | $500

10/2/14 | Benin | School Library | $500

2/3/15 | Lesotho | Local Holistic Health Club | $400

5/5/15 | Togo |  Building Cement Latrines | $300

8/5/15 | Tongo | Camp GLOW 2015 | $500

11/3/15 | Fiji | Camp GLOW Bua| $500

1/5/16 | Morocco | Partners in CLIMB 2016 | $750 

5/3/16 | Morocco | Creating Leadership in Mountains and Beyond (CLIMB) | $250

6/7/16 | Kyrgyz Republic | Municipal Water Expansion Project North-West District | $500 

7/5/2016 | Thailand | Let Girls Learn – Student-Friendly School Camps | $250

7/5/2016 | Georgia | Let Girls Learn – LEAD Retreat | $250

11/1/2016 | Peru | Let Girls Learn – Women’s Club:  Women’s Empowerment |$250

11/1/2016 | Jamaica | Red Lands Water System Improvement Project | $500

1/3/2017 | Lesotho | Classroom Project | $1,250

6/7/2017 | Senegal |  Let Girls Learn – Saloum Girls’ Leadership & Empowerment Camp | $625 

6/7/2017 | Ukraine | Let Girls Learn – Camp Model United Nations | $625 

7/11/2017 | Senegal | Ambassador Stevens Fund Kedgougou | $1,250 

11/7/2017 | Togo | Clinic Laboratory Project | $1,250 

2/6/2018 | Zambia | Lunga Maternity Ward | $1,000

2/6/2018 | Belize | Keeping Golden Stream Clean with Composting Latrines | $1,000

3/6/2018 | Peru | Parents' School and Recreation Area | $1,000

4/4/2018 | Armenia | Business & Entrepreneurship Youth Training | $1,000

6/5/2018 | Madagascar | Annual FLAGE Camp 2018 | $1,000

6/5/2018 | Ukraine | Camp TOBE | $1,000

7/10/2018 | Rwanda | Computer Lab & Teacher Resources | $1,000

11/9/2018 | Cambodia | Strong Moms, Strong Kids, Strong Family | $1,000

11/9/2018 | Zambia | Integrated Aquaculture | $500

12/4/2018 | Philippines | Fisherfolk Field School | $750

12/9/2018 | Namibia | Water Security | $750

3/5/2019 | Cambodia | Let’s Get Moving | $625

3/5/2019 | Benin | Young Women in Training | $625

4/2/2019 | Phillippines | Eco Watchers | $1,250

6/4/2019 | Ukraine | Camp MASCOT | $750

8/9/2019 | Zambia | Reforestation Workshop | $600

11/5/2019 | Zambia | Secondary School and Community Library | $1,150

2/6/2020 | Ukraine | $1,250

7/27/2020 | Malawi | Girl's Hostel Renovation | $1,250